Prayer is at the heart of everything we do at Living Waters Church and with over 40 opportunities a month to get involved with Prayer, there is a time to suit everyone. Our regular prayer meetings are a time to bring our thanks, needs and the needs of others before God, a time to commit ourselves to Him and call on the Lord for our community, our nation and our world.

Early Morning Prayer (Via Zoom) Monday-Friday at 6am-7am

Early Morning Prayer (Inhouse)  Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month 6am at church

Midweek Prayer Meeting Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm - 9pm

In addition to Early Morning Prayer and Midweek Prayer, we also have special monthly prayer gatherings. 

First Wednesday is on the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm and is a time of worship, prayer, intercession, testimony and prophecy. 

Deeper is on every second and third wednesday of the month at 7pm and consists of an hour of Bible study followed by an hour of prayer and intercession.

As a church we believe in the power of prayer and fasting, so we call the church to a 3 day fast at the beginning of every month.