Our Roots

Living Waters Church has been faithfully serving the incredible people of Torbay for over 45 years. Founded in 1979, LWC has gone through several changes and shifts in order to provide as much support to the community through the years as possible.

As the years rolled by, the church experienced huge growth so God provided a way for a new building to be built on the former site in 1993. Many financial miracles happened through this time as God consistently provided for His church. 

Former Leadership

Pastor Cliff Tite faithfully led Living Waters Church for 22 years, seeing the church go from strength to strength as God directed. It was during this time that Living Waters Church would become established as a source of great encouragement, strength and support for the local community of Paignton and Torbay.

Where We Are Now

As the years have passed by, Living Waters Church has remained a beacon of hope in the community. On May 1st 2009, Pastors Tony and Su Williams became the Senior Pastors of LWC and continued to lead with vision and convition as God moved and directed.

Living Waters Church today has grown and developed with the times, yet stuck to its roots of being a Bible-believing, Spirit-filled church. Many of our ministries have adapted and changed as new generations came through our doors as well as joining with us online but the heart, love and passion for the community has remained the same.